Speech & Prize Giving Day 2024

Head Master Address

Hallfield School’s Head Master, Mr Morrow, wrote a joyful poem that summarised the last academic year with spectacular wit, and highlighting all its glory. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed listening.

Another Year Has Passed, By Mr K B Morrow, Aged 53 ¾


Another year has passed at Hallfield School,

A special place, where caring rules.

Explosions in science, inspiring and bright

Coding and broadcasting, our lessons take flight.


Before I look ahead though, let’s take a quick review

At all we’ve done and shared, you’ll see just what we do

Reflect on our learnings before summer arrives,

Cherishing special moments, showing how we thrive.


SEPTEMBER, a fresh start for us all

Ellen, Year 6 donated her hair, and answered the call.

We had a welcome back concert and an open-air show

Watching Paddington the movie, popcorn, pizza and laughter did flow.


Miss Cook, our librarian, helped readers in need,

And Maya’s sponsored swim, raised a thousand at least!

Students showed resilience in the 11 plus quest,

Year 1 learned bassoon, sounds they loved best!


OCTOBER came, and we were into our stride,

No time to slack, it’s time to show pride.

Heather won prizes in her Piano Cup quest,

And Zain got a first, for his wonderful chess


Aarav, Giaan, James and Dylan bowled all the wickets,

Impressing the umpire with their county cricket

House lunches started with teachers and peers

Seniors to Osmington, facing their fears.

In NOVEMBER we championed, Guide Dogs for the blind,

And named our own guide dog, Biscuit, our sponsors were kind;

Declan helped the homeless, adding to our fame

Supporting good causes runs through our veins.


A first for First News by Journalist Laurie,

Year 6 off to London, The Bard was quite jolly

Not to mention World Book Day with our mums and dads

We dressed up in costumes, make up and hats


DECEMBER came with Christmas cheer,

A time to remember all we hold dear

Lucilla sang with booming voice,

For the Great British Choir she’s a natural choice

The Harry Potter lunch was a magical sight

Wolfsbane soup and butter beer.  WHAT a delight.

Charities, carols, presents and cards

Nativities, plays – we were all stars


JANUARY arrived,  Hooray!  you do say,

Hallfield’s birthday and Eco Day

Positive change, it’s the only way!

With our pupil’s passion, the future is bright

A sustainable world, can be just in sight


Assemblies, friendships, mental health, and well-being,

Year 7 shared lessons, inspiring and freeing.

We sang at Young Voices, a concert so grand

Year 3 learned Egyptians, their history and land


FEBRUARY, though short, was no time to stare (flow on to next line)

Culture and music all had their share (up at the end)

From World Number Day to Chinese New Year (YEEER)

We rocked with them all, good humour  (pause) and cheer


Shrewsbury’s Big Band Day, pupils never missed a beat

And Rocco’s performance was such a great treat


Our Readathons total was thirty thousand pounds,

Fifteen years of success, we know no bounds.


MARCH came quickly, the year flew fast,

But our Cross Country winners made moments to last.

Double Reed Ensemble, House Music shows,

And Tea Time concerts, our love for music grows!


Subjects we adore, students thriving with zest,

Hannah and Siddh performed well in their tests,

and Robin and Mahi, (UP here) …they all do maths best.

Louie and Jaden earned certificates, scoring high

Easter Bonnet Parades, may our traditions never die.


APRIL came and saw more pupil success,

With Yanmi’s Piano at the Dudley Fest,

Humaira’s County Cricket put her name in the frame

and Siona the Squash Queen was champion again

In MAY, Elocution was top of the shop.

And Sofia blitzed them all with the winner’s top spot

A monologue called ‘Milk’, she recited out load

Mum and Dad looked on, ever so proud.


Reception saw the Botanicals, wildlife and bees

Mylo and Benny ran 10k with ease,

Our skills are broad, and our interests deep,

there’s no time at Hallfield for falling asleep


In MAY we set sail, France was calling,

A stay in a chateau was really, heart-warming,

a visit to Paris, a cruise on the Seine,

Battlefields of Normandy, can we visit again? UP


Sahiba learned scuba diving, which was all very nice

Year 5 performed JSax and sounded just right.

Year 4 were podcasting over the net

They want to go viral, well maybe not yet?


JUNE, it’s nearly over but we’re nowhere near done,

Year 4 went to Cranedale, they had so much fun.

Year 2 performed brilliantly, the Elves made tiny shoes,

Year 6 rehearsing Oliver, no time for end of school blues.


Sports Days and Parties, we’re flying high

And don’t forget leavers when we sadly say… ‘Goodbye’.


Yet our journey’s just beginning, come September’s call,

Teaching and learning iPads for all.

New state-of-the-art classrooms for Seniors and Art,

And don’t forget Science it’s such a big part,

With its shiny new lab, fixtures and fittings,

We’re inspiring them all to be brilliant physicians !


Six years I’ve led Hallfield, an adventure profound,

Even through Covid, we stayed STRONG and sound.

But one thing’s for certain, this truth shines through,

This year, like every other, I couldn’t do it without you.


Keith B Morrow – Head Master

Speech and Prize Giving Day June 2024