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We don’t do SATs!

Yes, you read it right, at Hallfield School we don’t do SATs.


12 May 2023


#Special Feature


#Whole school

We don’t do SATs!


SATs have long been scrutinised by heads, teachers, parents and the press. These standardised assessments administered to Year 2 and Year 6 children throughout the UK have always been surrounded by negative commentary, not least because of the immense pressure they put upon such young children.

If you visited Hallfield School during SATs week you would be struck with a very different picture. You wouldn’t find children sat in rows, in a large hall, making sense of a test paper, enveloped in an atmosphere of impending doom. Instead, you would see children engaged in learning.

This week alone, children have been transported back in time to the Viking and Anglo Saxon era. Year 3’s dressed up as Ancient Greeks and learnt about authentic Greek food and Greek architecture. Our Senior pupils took a trip to Edgbaston Reservoir, where they photographed and sketched the towers that inspired those in Lord of the Rings, and learnt about the history of Birmingham’s canals. And let’s not forget the Coronation! The whole school came together for a glorious celebration of a rare historical moment and learnt about the British monarchy.

Could learning be anymore enriched?

We don’t think so! And this is why we don’t do SATs. Parrot fashion learning and memorising facts for the SATs goes against our values and mission which is: “to light the fire in every child and discover their interests and passions”. Instead we want parents to trust us! We will “find the brilliance” in your child and nurture that. Our academic results and the highly selective independent and state grammar schools our pupils go to when they leave us in Year 6 or Year 8, are testament to the education we deliver.

When only the best will do

At Hallfield School we wholeheartedly believe we provide the best education in the West Midlands. Our teaching methods develop and challenge our pupils thinking. Lessons are not simply planned around looking at a board, but are interactive, collaborative and not always set within the four walls of a classroom. Our 22 acre campus and first class facilities, including a food technology suite, media studio, two astro pitches, Creative Cottage, Forest School and two libraries; as well as specialist teaching in subjects such as music, French and dance from the age of 3, are just some of the features that sets us apart from other schools and affirms the progressive nature of the curriculum we offer – we set your child up for the world today and in the future.

Where budgets have been cut for the arts in the state sector, Hallfield’s performing arts department is thriving. In music we sponsor children to learn an instrument for a year from Year 2 to Year 3 and we have over 14 choirs and ensembles. Our Year 2’s are about to perform their first drama showcase, and in the penultimate week of term we will all be delighted by a Year 5 – 8 production of the hit musical Matilda. Learning is not just about the core subjects such a English, Maths and Science (although we work very hard on these and get excellent results), but it’s also about variety and experiences that shape the whole child.

Opportunities outside the school day

With over 30 after school clubs for children from Foundation (pre-school) to Year 8, new experiences and unknown passions are discovered. For Chess we are leaders outside of the M25, in maths we are primary champions, in football we sit at the top of the Harborne district league! We provide LAMDA club to practice fluency in speaking, crucial for excellent communications and those all important entrance interviews.

So if SATs are stressing you and your child out then consider Hallfield School. Not only can you be reassured of your child fulfilling their potential academically and creatively, but that they will be well cared for and prepared emotionally and socially, today and for their future.

If you would like to find out more about Hallfield School then get in touch with our Admissions Team for an informal chat or to book a visit: admissions@hallfieldschool.co.uk | 0121 454 1496

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